I use to love the way my hairdresser did my hair, then not so much. one day she wasn't in so I let the other stylist do it. I Loved It! The next week my stylist came back and I had to decide if I was gonna continue to let her do my hair (which always ended up with me feeling cheated)or let the new stylist work her magic. Of-course I continued to sit in my stylists chair and reminisce on how great my hair looked the week before. My cowardliness posed a burning question in my head.
Why do we continue to stay when we know its time to go? why do we stay and wait for that something to come back when we know that it isn't? We all claim we just want to be happy in life but continue to sit in unhappy situations. sometimes we find that happiness right on the other side of the door but won't walk through it. could it be fear of change? not wanting to look bad in other peoples eyes? who knows?
We have always been taught to stick things out and never give up but isn't sticking it out in a hopeless situation the same as giving up on happiness? . If you stay in a bad situation for along time you're perceived as weak or stupid. If you decide to never stay in an unhappy situation and always go with what or who makes happy, you're perceived as flaky or even heartless.
I guess in the end you have to do what works for you,make decisions on your on time and hope for the best. It's about you and what you can live with. As for me, I'm one step away from finally standing up and stepping away from that old staylist chair and start rocking a new do! Hopefully Lol
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